
"Worship" is a verb and something you do. 

Here at St. Peter & St. Paul, we strive to worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior every time we get together.

Sunday Mornings:

  • Our Sunday Worship is a traditional service focused around preaching the Word of God and coming together as the Body of Christ.

  • Following the Sunday service, all are welcome to stay and enjoy fellowship together over coffee!

Can’t make it to Church?

Watch it on Facebook!

What to Expect:

  • Our traditional musical worship features classic, beloved hymns as well as an occasional taste of other music.

  • We serve Holy Communion weekly and all baptized believers in Christ are welcome to partake of the sacrament.

  • Every Sunday during the service, we offer an opportunity for physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

  • We are an intimate congregation who enjoys fellowship together after the service in our Fellowship Hall. Visitors are welcome to stay for homemade refreshments and conversation!

  • Children’s ministry is available during parts of the service to teach the Word to children in an interactive style.

More Information:

Plan Your Visit.

If you have any questions before you come, Father Jared is happy to answer them!