As a local outreach, we support the mission, Saint Francis Service Dogs, to help the disabled in our annual Blessing of the Animals!
Ministry Teams
We at St. Peter & St. Paul apply Jesus’s teaching of not only loving those within our walls, but constantly looking outward in todays time. We are continuously looking at God’s call to this church as to how we can best serve our community through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Healing Prayer Ministry
Pastors and other prayer ministers are available Sundays during communion and at other requested times to pray for those desiring physical, spiritual or emotional healing, encouragement or other needs.
Hospitality Ministry
Members of this team prepare and serve light refreshments after church in the Fellowship Hall to strengthen relationships.
Outreach Ministry
We are blessed to open our doors weekly to groups from “AA” and “Alanon” to support the community.
We partner with the Blue Ridge Women’s Center and value Sanctity of Life from womb to tomb.
We also support the League of Aging through various projects yearly.